Cats hunt at night. As a cat owner, you are not aware that your house or farm cat is roaming for miles through the meadows. She instinctively also takes chicks from meadow birds, which are already having such a hard time. The birds do not see the danger coming in the dark and cannot protect their chicks. That’s why the call: save our vulnerable chicks and keep your cat indoors at night from mid-April to June.
Actor: Emiel Stoffers
Cat: Abatutu
Written: Paul H. Loonstra
Directed: Amar van Dijk
Produced: Frederik Bandstra
Camera: Amar van Dijk
Camera Assistent: Jeffrey van der Wal
Gaffer: Christiaan Ettema
Animal Casting: Catvertise
Animal Handling: Sabine van der Helm
Edited: Amar van Dijk
Photo’s: Binne-Louw Katsma